Capital increase

New capital : CHF 135,813.60. Paid-up capital : CHF 135,813.60, divided into 1,000,000 registered shares of CHF 0.10, and 347,133 “Seed” registered shares of CHF 0.10, preferred in respect of liquidat…

Capital increase

New capital : 124,702.5. Paid-up capital : CHF 124,702.50, divided into 1,000,000 registered shares of CHF 0.10 each, and 247,025 “Seed” registered shares of CHF 0.10 each, preferred in respect of liq…

New person

Mr. John-Paul Clarke is appointed as a new member of the board of directors.

New person

Mr. Ludovic Frech is appointed as a new member of the board of directors.

Modification of the board composition

Mr. Philippe Nicolet is chairman of the board of directors.

New person

Mr. Alban Le Vallois is appointed as a new member of the board of directors.

New person

Mr. Quentin Kerchove d’Ousselghem is appointed as a new member of the board of directors.

New person

Mr. Florian Maffini is appointed as a new member of the board of directors.

Initial Capital

New capital : CHF 100,000, fully paid-up, divided into 1,000,000 registered shares of CHF 0.10 with transfer restrictions according to the articles of association.